School Profile
Lincoln Elementary School, located on the east side of Exeter, is a neighborhood school which serves approximately 600 Preschool through fifth grade students in the Exeter Unified School District attendance area. Administration and staff set high standards for behavior and academics and hold all students accountable. State and local standards drive the curriculum at each grade level and all available resources are used to help each student meet or surpass grade-level standards.
There are 24 regular education teachers, two Intervention Teachers, one Resource Specialist, one special education aide, 3 literacy aides, one Speech Therapist, one full time technology/media aide librarian. Additionally, there is one TCOE Special Day class and four Preschool classes which include communicably language delayed children as well as regular education children.
Three Paraprofessionals assist in Kindergarten through 5th grade classes as needed, and four yard duty assistants help during the noon hour. A part-time bilingual liaison helps certificated staff in meeting the language intensive needs of bilingual students. In addition, Lincoln Elementary School has a health clerk, one full time custodian, two-part time custodians, an office manager, and an office specialist.
Other support is also provided by a school psychologist, a counselor from Sequoia Youth Services, SPECIAL FRIENDS leader, a school counselor (two and a half days a week), and HEART (5 days a week) is also available as an after school enrichment program.
School Facilities, Including Technology, Library, and Media Resources. Lincoln Elementary School is a mix of older buildings, a newer multi-purpose cafeteria, and a recently renovated front office/student services/administration building. The site plan includes thirty-six classrooms and instructional areas, a library/media center that contains Thirty two computers, a HEART office, speech office, a Reading Intervention lab, an administrative office, a gymnasium/multipurpose room, and large landscaped playgrounds for each grade level.
Technology is becoming an integral part of the overall school plan. Each classroom has one on one devices as well as a teacher computer. Our TK-2 classrooms have chrome-based tablets and 3rd-5th classrooms have Chromebooks. All computers are networked through a Wide Area Network. All classrooms are also now equipped with document cameras. Every classroom is equipped with a projector, and document camera.
All teachers have access to additional support equipment such as digital and video cameras. In addition, the multipurpose room has a functioning built-in sound system which is used by both teachers and administration.
The school library contains approximately 12,000 books. The library is open throughout the school day and is staffed by a full time classified technology/media aide.
Number of Instructional Minutes Provided. Students at Lincoln Elementary School attend school 180 days per year. The instructional minutes completed each school year exceeds state requirements in all grade levels. In Kindergarten, students are in session 53,567 minutes. In grades one through two, students are in session 54,908 minutes. In grades 3 through 5, students are in session 60,417 minutes.
Other Important Characteristics of the School. Lincoln School is partnered with the community and benefits from active support and involvement of community members. The educational community is extremely proud of the quality of instructional services provided to our students. Each year, our students participate in accelerated language arts experiences, Tulare County Prose and Poetry; educational assemblies are brought in to the school for students i.e.; Zoo to You, Mobile Dairy, Chef in the Classroom, and Nutrition Network. A variety of off campus experiences are sponsored by PTO, LCAP Funds and our community: Fresno Chaffee Zoo, Visalia Theater, Monterey Bay Aquarium, San Miguel Mission, Scicon and Fresno Grizzlies Baseball game. Other projects or activities include Relay for Life, Parent Teacher Organization special days and events, high school tutors, Campus Beautification, Dr. Seuss Day, and student teacher candidates from surrounding college and universities Education is infused throughout the school day and in the curriculum, and is the model for good decision–making skills and behavior. School wide assemblies are held each month in honor of students that reflect the selected PBIS expectations as part of the Character Counts program, attendance awards are presented at the end of the year and parents are an integral part of the celebration. Parent Teacher Organization is well attended and parent volunteers are widely available.